Frank Power Bank testimonial Dr Albert

2       Frank Power Bank
12     PC MCB
1       PC ABL ELCB
1       FRANK M5Hz+
2       FRANK mono power amp 350w
1       FRANK Speaker Cable VC-150
1       FRANK 12V power supply
2       FRANK BAL cable

Sasha wilson speakers

Dr Albert system 2013 in Malaysia


 Hi Fi DB box 18 way

Customer Testimonials

Wilson Audio Sasha

Power Conditioner

Frank Power Bank FPB

This is a must have item in any serious hifi installation. Like a dedicated mains circuit with its own distribution board, a separate earth ground or proper mains electrical outlets one cannot imagine the  effectiveness that the Frank power bank will do to one's system until you have one installed and experienced the effects. The power bank is very well made  and one can easily mistake it for a high powered luxury american amplifier.  There are 2 huge transformers inside but  it only consumes a neglible amount of power so it can be left on permanently. HOW does it work? I leave it to the engineers to explain but WHAT it does is almost magical. It is almost democratic. 

The sound is freed from the tyranny of being shackled. The sound has a  sense of freedom that is almost addictive. The soundfield and soundstage expands in all 3 dimensions; x y and z axis. The 4th dimension is affected too, timing is improved too with the music having greater tension and urgency yet paradoxically sounding more relaxedat the same time.  This is probably due to the sound being more refined and showing greater finesse but at the same time showing better dynamic swings...............not unlike 
the detailed smoothness and clarity of a microwatt valve amp but with the wallop  of a muscle amp.... a sound approaching that of  the super hi end high speed amps.

Surprisingly even the super highend systems appear to benefit from the FPB too, with many local super highend systems installing not just one but
multiple units...they can be found  in the local community with top flight systems running wilsons wamm,alexandria, alexandria XLF, Ivy Eggleston top speakers utilising the FPB
Unlike most accessories which improve the sound in some areas but which shows downsides in other areas, the FPB appears consistent in its improvement across the board without any apparent shortcomings.
The highs and lows were extended, the soundstage and soundfield bloomed to fill your room like an expanding cumulus cloud, the focus and space between individual sounds became sharper and better delineated.......
Buy it.

I bought two .....only because I don't have the space and funds for more!


Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur